Be prepared.... to come to the farm! At Urban Roots, a day might include everything from weeding, painting, building, and cooking, to making all the best messes you can think of! Looking “professional” at work usually means faded camp t-shirts and overalls, rather than blazers and slacks. Instead of a briefcase, getting ready for the day means packing your tote bag with sunscreen, gloves, a water bottle, and a hat that matches the weather, not your outfit.
After two years of working at Urban Roots, through all four of our seasons that lean towards the extremes, I’ve finally perfected my daily packing list. It springs directly from my lived experience of wearing my favorite sweater only to have it pooped on by a chicken, the one time I didn’t wear a hat and got the worst sunburn of my adult life, and getting paint all over my pants on my first day at the farm.

So whether you are coming to volunteer, sending your kid to camp, attending a workshop, or visiting the farm for an event, I beg you to learn from my mistakes! Take a look at both lists below – one detailing what to bring to the farm, and one telling you what to leave at home. You may have to alter them slightly, depending on whether it’s snowing or windy or over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, but just remember a day at Urban Roots is a day outside in the elements of our ever-changing high desert!

Farmer Kat’s tried and true daily packing list:
Gloves – either for warmth in the winter or good ole gardening gloves!
Water bottle WITH your name on it
Sunscreen – necessary in all seasons!

Layers!! - this one can’t be stressed enough, since our weather changes hourly
Hat for the season
Workwear - or any clothes you don’t mind getting paint on, torn, or covered in dirt
Lunch box – labeled with your name!
Close toed shoes – got to protect those toes! We don’t allow sandals, we’ve had a few too many stubbed toes
Snacks for yourself - we all get hungry, and our carrots or grapes might not be ready for munching yet
Chicken snacks (compost!) - optional, but their favorite treats are fruit and veggie scraps from your kitchen!

Okay, you’re ready for a day on the farm! But before you go, do a quick check to make sure the things on the list below AREN’T in your or your child’s bag. The things below have been brought to the farm before, with muddy, missing, or disastrous results, and I DON’T want your most prized possessions accidentally ending up in the compost pile. 👉
Urban Roots No-No's (fabulous but forbidden):
Toys – these might go missing, break, or fall in a garden bed
Cash – unless you’re coming to one of our events!
Weapons - including toy weapons
Sandals – those toes must be covered!
Jewelry – I HAVE lost earrings on the farm, never to see them again
Nice clothes
Pets – unless they’re a support animal of course 😊
Unlabeled items – we do have a lost and found, but labeling makes things a little easier to get back to you
Your most precious valuables
Food to share – we have a no-sharing-food policy! This is to keep our friends with allergies safe
And that’s it, folks! You should be totally outfitted and equipped to visit Urban Roots in any season for any activity! You can always check out our FAQ section of our website, or ask us more specific questions by calling (775.636.5105) or emailing info@urgc.org
A BIG thank you from all of us at the farm for reading this list, checking it twice, and of course bringing the most important thing to the farm - yourself! ❤️
